- Complications Of Blood Administration
Oops, gave the wrong blood type! This happens to all of us at least once or twice... ~NOT!!! With all of the checks and safety measures we use now, this should never-ever, happen. But... If the wrong blood type has been given, bad things can happen. DIC, ATN, acidosis, and all the symptoms typical of an allergic reaction such as fever, chills, rash, inflammed airways, and certainly full onset anaphylaxis is possible. If you're real lucky, maybe nothing bad will happen. If it does, the best thing to do is give a few liters of NS right away, IV benadryl and epinephrine (if indicated), check VSs/labs/ABGs frequently, and replace Ca++ and HCO3 as needed. Finally, make plans, you're probably going to have a few weeks off from work...